İbn Bâcce ve İbn Tufeyl’de tevahhüd-hikmet ilişkisi: Karşılaştırmalı bir analiz denemesi

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Beytulhikme Felsefe Çevresi

Erişim Hakkı


Araştırma projeleri

Organizasyon Birimleri

Organizasyon Birimi
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü
Bölüm, uluslararası standartlarda nitelikli bilgi üretmeyi, özellikle İslam felsefesi, Türk düşüncesi ve fenomenoloji geleneğini merkeze almayı ve bu meyanda felsefi bilgi üretilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Batı'da gelişen felsefenin soy kütüğünde sadece Yunan, Helenistik ve Hıristiyan değil, İslam felsefi mirası da yer almaktadır.

Dergi sayısı


One of the main concerns of Islamic philosophy is an emphasis on finding the most accurate method to lead people to their ultimate goal: the high-est level of happiness. Ibn Bajjah and Ibn Tufayl—the prominent representatives of Andalusian Thought—established their philosophical systems in an attempt to realize this goal. In the following study, it has been determined that although the philosophies of both philosophers have some minor differences in terms of discourse and conceptual framework, they demonstrate significant similarities in terms of scientific content and method toward leading human beings to “ma’rifat Allah” or "Conjunction with Active Intellect". In this context, the methods of reaching the heights of philosophical and mystical enlightenment from the levels of simple knowledge to the highest levels of enlightenment, which draws on the science and philosophical theories of the period of Ibn Bajjah's "mutawahhid" and Ibn Tufayl's "Hayy Bin Yakzan" character, is of primary focus in the discus-sion. In this sense, an attempt has been made to demonstrate that Ibn Bajjah influenced Ibn Tufayl beyond what is supposed. Thus, it hopes to show how the developmental stages of the human being, which are built on the other at the biological, psychological, moral and metaphysical levels, are evaluated within the framework of religion-philosophy and individual-society relations by both phi-losophers.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Conjunction, Unification, Mutawahhid, Active Intellect, Governance, Hayy B. Yaqzan


Beytulhikme an International Journal of Philosophy

WoS Q Değeri


Scopus Q Değeri






Köroğlu, B. (2022). İbn Bâcce ve İbn Tufeyl’de tevahhüd-hikmet ilişkisi: Karşılaştırmalı bir analiz denemesi. Beytulhikme an International Journal of Philosophy, 44(4), 1679-1723.