İşkaliyyetü'l-cem'i ve't-tefrik fi kütübi ma'rifeti's-sahabe
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İstanbul Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hadis ravilerinin aynı isimleri taşıyıp bunların birbirleriyle karıştırılması problemi, hadis rical ilminde tasnifin başlangıcıyla birlikte erken dönemde ortaya çıkmıştır. Öyle ki bazı isnat zincirlerinde hem kendi isimlerinin hem de babalarının isimlerinin veya isimleriyle birlikte nispet ve künye gibi hususların aynı olduğu raviler bulunmaktadır. Bu ravilerin tek bir kişi mi (cem’) veya farklı kişiler mi olduğunun (tefrik) tespitinin nasıl olacağı sorusu hadisçilerin zihinlerini kurcalamaya başlamıştır. Bu sorun hadisçilerin zihinlerini öylesine meşgul etmiştir ki kendileri bu problemin çözümü için hadis ilminde yeni bir disiplin oluşturmuşlardır. Müttefik ve müfterik diye adlandırdıkları bu disiplinde birçok eser kaleme almışlardır. Bu disiplinle bağlantılı olan alanlardan birisi de sahabe literatürüdür. Diğer rical kitaplarında olduğu gibi bahsedilen problem burada da gündeme gelmiştir. Bu çalışma özellikle sahabe bilgisine dair (marifetü’s-sahâbe) eserlerdeki cem ve tefrik problemine mercek tutarak yazarların bu meseleden ne ölçüde haberdar olduklarını ve söz konusu meseleyi uygulamalı ve teorik olarak çözmeye ne kadar ilgi duyduklarını ele alacaktır. Ayrıca bu alanda eser veren yazarların sert veya yumuşak tutumlu yaklaşımlarını anlamlandırmak ve bu meseleyi çözmedeki metotlarını değerlendirmek de araştırmanın inceleyeceği bir diğer husustur. Yapılacak olan değerlendirme İbn Mende ve Ebû Nuaym’la başlayıp İbn Abdilber’le devam edecek, İbnü’l-Esîr ve İbn Hacer’le de son bulacaktır. Araştırmanın amacı, mezkûr problemin tarihini ve sahabe literatürü kitaplarındaki gelişimini göstermek, sahabe literatürü yazarlarının o konudaki yaklaşımlarını belirlemek ve bu problemi çözmedeki yöntemlerini değerlendirmektir. Buna binaen söz konusu problemin çözümünde izlenmesi gereken yöntemin sistemleştirilmesine dair bazı önemli teklifler sunulacaktır.
The issue of al-jam’ wa al-tafrīq [combining and differentiating] first became apparent early on, with the very beginning of the genre of rijāl al-hadith, being the study of hadith narrators. Within chains of hadith narrations, one finds many narrators who share the same name. More specifically, two narrators may have the same first name and father’s name, first name and family name, first name and kunya [honorific], or the like. This problem appeared so frequently that scholars who’ve tackled it over the years first dedicated specific terminology to this, al-muttafiq wa al-muftariq [the alike and the unalike], and then built a whole sub-genre dedicated to this under the broader field of hadith studies. Just as this issue appears in all books dedicated to the study of hadith narrators, it also is a frequent question in books more narrowly focused on the biographies of the Sahaba, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad. This study aims to give careful consideration to this issue of al-jam’ wa al-tafrīq in books dedicated to the Sahaba specifically. It uncovers the perceptiveness of the authors of this genre and the particular attention they paid to solving this matter, both in theory and in practice. This study further aims to identify their tendencies toward either narrowing or expanding, such as whether they tended to consider narrators with shared names as a single individual or as separate individuals, and to evaluate the efficacy of their approaches toward resolving this issue. The article begins with Ibn Manda and Abu Nu’aym, moves on to Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, and ends with Ibn al-Athīr and Ibn Hajar. Beyond tracing the history of this issue and its development through books dedicated to the Sahaba, this paper will identify the various ways these authors addressed companions with shared names and will evaluate the effectiveness of their perspectives. The article then ends by offering critical suggestions to refine the methodology currently used when approaching this issue.
The issue of al-jam’ wa al-tafrīq [combining and differentiating] first became apparent early on, with the very beginning of the genre of rijāl al-hadith, being the study of hadith narrators. Within chains of hadith narrations, one finds many narrators who share the same name. More specifically, two narrators may have the same first name and father’s name, first name and family name, first name and kunya [honorific], or the like. This problem appeared so frequently that scholars who’ve tackled it over the years first dedicated specific terminology to this, al-muttafiq wa al-muftariq [the alike and the unalike], and then built a whole sub-genre dedicated to this under the broader field of hadith studies. Just as this issue appears in all books dedicated to the study of hadith narrators, it also is a frequent question in books more narrowly focused on the biographies of the Sahaba, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad. This study aims to give careful consideration to this issue of al-jam’ wa al-tafrīq in books dedicated to the Sahaba specifically. It uncovers the perceptiveness of the authors of this genre and the particular attention they paid to solving this matter, both in theory and in practice. This study further aims to identify their tendencies toward either narrowing or expanding, such as whether they tended to consider narrators with shared names as a single individual or as separate individuals, and to evaluate the efficacy of their approaches toward resolving this issue. The article begins with Ibn Manda and Abu Nu’aym, moves on to Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, and ends with Ibn al-Athīr and Ibn Hajar. Beyond tracing the history of this issue and its development through books dedicated to the Sahaba, this paper will identify the various ways these authors addressed companions with shared names and will evaluate the effectiveness of their perspectives. The article then ends by offering critical suggestions to refine the methodology currently used when approaching this issue.
Anahtar Kelimeler
رجال الحديث, الرواة، الصحابة, الجمع والتفريق, المتفق والمفرت ر ق, Hadis Ricali, Raviler, Sahabe, Cem’ ve Tefrik, Müttefik ve Müfterik, Narrators of Hadith, Reporters, Sahaba, al-Jam’ wa al-Jafrīq, al-Muttafiq wa al-Muftariq
Darulfunun İlahiyat
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Elbekri, H. (2023). İşkaliyyetü'l-cem'i ve't-tefrik fi kütübi ma'rifeti's-sahabe. Darulfunun İlahiyat, 34(2), 337-358. http://doi.org/10.26650/di.2023.43.2.1280773