Şeyh Mustafa Dağıstânî (1824-1909)
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Üsküdar Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Osmanlı toprakları birçok göç hareketlerine şahitlik etmiş topraklardır. 19. yüzyılda Dağıstan halkı da Rusya’nın tehdidi altında inleyen topluluklardan biridir. Bu makalede Isparta, Senirkent’te yaşamış bir Nakşi- Halidi şeyhinin detaylı biyografisi anlatılmış olup, elbette kısa Dağıstan tarihi de ister istemez bu makaleye ilave edilmiştir. Mustafa Dağıstani Efendi Mevlana Halid-i Bağdadi tarafından kurulmuş olan ve dönemin en geniş yelpazesli tarikati olan Nakşi-Halidi şeyhlerinden biridir. Bu makale Mustafa Dağıstani’nin yaşadığı devrin meşhur uleması ve meşayihiyle bağlantılarını da içermektedir. Şeyh Mustafa Dağıstani Efendi’nin hayatı anlatılırken bir yandan da 19. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde Osmanlı topraklarında yaşamış tasavvuf şeyhleri arasındaki ilişkileri ve entelektüellerin iç içe geçmiş ilmi bağlantıları gösterilecektir. Ayrıca, bu makale Mustafa Dağıstani’nin hayatı ve bağlantılarına dair aile arşivlerini de kapsamaktadır.
The land of the Ottomans had witnessed many migration movements. Dagestan and the people of Dagestan are one of the most oppressed groups under the threat of Russia. In this article, I will touch upon the detailed biography of a Naqshi-Khalidi sheikh of Senirkent-Isparta who was separated from his family at a very young age. The short history of the lands of North and South Dagestan is included in the article. He was one of the Khalidi sheiks, which was established by Mawlana Khalid al- Baghdadi and the most widespread Sufi order at that time in the Ottoman lands. This article will further include Mustafa Dagistani`s connections with the renowned scholars and Sufi masters of his time. While narrating his life story, I will demonstrate the relationships among the Sufi masters and how the scholarly life of the intellects intertwined in the first quarter of the 19th century in Western Anatolia. Moreover, this article will encompass recently acquired family archives as sources of his biography and networks.
The land of the Ottomans had witnessed many migration movements. Dagestan and the people of Dagestan are one of the most oppressed groups under the threat of Russia. In this article, I will touch upon the detailed biography of a Naqshi-Khalidi sheikh of Senirkent-Isparta who was separated from his family at a very young age. The short history of the lands of North and South Dagestan is included in the article. He was one of the Khalidi sheiks, which was established by Mawlana Khalid al- Baghdadi and the most widespread Sufi order at that time in the Ottoman lands. This article will further include Mustafa Dagistani`s connections with the renowned scholars and Sufi masters of his time. While narrating his life story, I will demonstrate the relationships among the Sufi masters and how the scholarly life of the intellects intertwined in the first quarter of the 19th century in Western Anatolia. Moreover, this article will encompass recently acquired family archives as sources of his biography and networks.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dağıstan, Senirkent, Nakşibendiyye, Şeyh Mustafa Dağıstani, Mevlana Halid-i Bağdadi, Shaykh Mustafa Dagestani, Naqshbandiyya, Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi, Dagestan
Tasavvuf Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kıvanç Karataş, K. (2023). Şeyh Mustafa Dağıstânî (1824-1909). Tasavvuf Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(1), 26-40. https://www.doi.org/10.32739/ustad.2023.3.38