Yakut, Ayşe Dilşad
Araştırma projeleri
Organizasyon Birimleri
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültemiz, kuram ve uygulamaların öğretildiği bir yer olmanın ötesinde, fikirlerin yeşerdiği, yeteneklerin geliştiği ve ömür boyu süren arkadaşlıkların kurulduğu dinamik ve çeşitlilik gösteren bir topluluktur.
Adı Soyadı
Ayşe Dilşad Yakut
İlgi Alanları
Specific Learning Disabilities, Inclusion, Dylexia, Learning Disabilities, Special Education
Kurumdaki Durumu
Aktif Personel
2 sonuçlar
Arama Sonuçları
Listeleniyor 1 - 2 / 2
Yayın Handwriting speed, visual-motor skills, and attitudes toward writing in the context of handwriting legibility of students with learning disabilities(Routledge, 2024) Yakut, Ayşe Dilşad; Akgül, Savaş; Şengül Erdem, Hatice; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüMany studies on learning disability (LD) have focused on the reading skills of students; however, many students with LDs struggle with basic handwriting skills, which are fundamental for all ages in school and everyday functioning. The purpose of this study was to examine the handwriting legibility of students with LDs in conjunction with their handwriting speed, visual-motor skills, and attitudes toward writing. The sample included 75 third- to fourth-grade students in a metropolitan city in Türkiye. The assessment task aligned with the research purpose: for the students to copy the Turkish text, copy geometrical figures, and answer questions related to attitudes toward writing. Correlations among variables varied; however, the results confirmed that handwriting speed, visual-motor skills, and attitudes toward writing predicted the handwriting legibility of students with LDs. There are intricate relationships between handwriting speed, visual-motor skills, and attitudes toward writing. The results have implications for research and practice.Yayın The lived experiences of teachers with visual impairments in the inclusion of students with visual impairments: A phenomenological study(Sakarya University, 2022) Şengül Erdem, Hatice; Yakut, Ayşe Dilşad; Yakut, Ayşe Dilşad; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüThis study aims to reveal the lived experiences of teachers with visual impairments (VI) in the inclusion of students with VI. In this phenomenological study, data were collected from 8 teachers with VI through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by content analysis using a qualitative software program named MAXQDA20. The six themes identified from the content analysis were underlying issues in inclusion, personal guidance of teachers on students with VI, critical evaluation of inclusion, from diagnosis to the IEP implementation, the appropriate model of education for students with VI, and teachers' sense of inclusion. The findings revealed that teachers with VI contributed to the inclusion of students with VI. Furthermore, they emphasized system-related issues preventing inclusive practices and made critical evaluations concerning practices in inclusive settings. Based on the findings, inclusive classrooms and resource rooms should be equipped with educational tools (i.e., the braille alphabet, assistive technologies, tactile graphs and maps), teaching staff and their training should be enhanced, and school buildings should be designed as physically accessible and supervised by special education teachers who have expertise in VI or experience in working with students with VI.