Bulut, Sefa

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Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültemiz, kuram ve uygulamaların öğretildiği bir yer olmanın ötesinde, fikirlerin yeşerdiği, yeteneklerin geliştiği ve ömür boyu süren arkadaşlıkların kurulduğu dinamik ve çeşitlilik gösteren bir topluluktur.

Adı Soyadı

Sefa Bulut

İlgi Alanları

PTSD, ADHD, Mobbing, School Violonce, Bullying, Psychology Criminology, Penology Education, Educational Research General, Internal Medicine Substance Abuse

Kurumdaki Durumu

Aktif Personel

Arama Sonuçları

Listeleniyor 1 - 10 / 163
  • Yayın
    At mobbing levels perceived by psychological counselors (guidance teachers) as predictive variables emotional ıntelligence and professional self-esteem
    (Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Derneği, 2018) Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Kayabaşı, Onur Emre; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Problem: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between mobbing, emotional intelligence and professional self-esteem scores of psychological counselors(guidance teachers), differentiation according to demographic variables and as a predictor variable, emotional intelligence and professional self-esteem reveal the power of judgment on mobbing that psychological counselors perceive. Method:The survey sample consists of 99 female and 59 male psychological counselors working in various institutions of Ministry of Education in Bolu and Karabük provinces.Personal Information Form, Negative Act Quastionerre(NAQ), Scored Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale and The Vocational Self-Esteem Scale developed by Aricak were used in the data collection phase of the study.The study is based on descriptive a relational scanning model. Findings: It was analyzed whether there was a significant difference between psychological counselors' emotional intelligence scores and their sex, there is a significant difference in the result of the analysis.Women's psychological counselors' emotional intelligence scores are higher than men.A significant difference was found between the professional self-esteem and sex.Female psychological counselors have higher professional self-esteem than men.There is a negatively and moderately significant relationship between mobbing levels perceived by psychological counselors and their emotional intelligence.Positive and moderately significant relationship was found between psychological counselors' emotional intelligence and professional self-esteem.It was found that emotional intelligence and professional self-esteem variables showed a significant relationship with perceived mobbing as a result of multiple linear regression analysis.In other words, when the two variables are considered together, this explains 10% of the change in the perceived mobbing scores. Results: As a result of this study, the high level of emotional intelligence, which is considered to be an effective psychological counselor and high level of professional self-esteem that shows respect, affection and feeling of belonging of profession are effective conditions at the low level of mobbing perceived by psychological counselors working in the field.For this reason, in this study, it was suggested that the only criterion for selection of candidates for psychological counseling should not be proficiency in the academic field.As in the case of student purchases in some occupational groups, while a student is selected for undergraduate level in the field of guidance and psychological counseling, a system can be developed to select individuals with special qualifications required by psychological counseling profession besides academic criteria.This system can being executable with a special talent exam; an objective test developed for this purpose, or by applying different methods.In addition, it is also possible to bring this elimination process to the discretion of the independent experts during the undergraduate education. This system makes it possible for students who are not suitable for practicing psychological counseling to be directed to other professions or branches.So it is stated that the people who consciously choose this profession and who are convinced as a qualification and training process that it is appropriate to work in this field can increase the quality of the counseling services on the field.Finally, psychological counselors are thought to be exposed to less mobbing if high level of emotional intelligence and professional self esteem are given importance in student selection .
  • Yayın
    Effectiveness of mindfulness-based counseling on social anxiety disorder among adolescents
    (Ecronicon, 2020) Bulut, Sefa; Thabassum, Liyana; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Social anxiety and related conditions remain one of the most significant deterrents that adolescents face when engaging in social situations. Adolescents are at a stage of vulnerability that leaves the door open for a high incidence rate of social anxiety or Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Additionally, this condition brings with it a myriad of other mental health issues such as low self-esteem, depression, other anxiety disorders, substance abuse, to name a few. There is an increasingly high demand for non-invasive and nonintrusive therapeutic techniques to tackle this mental health concern amongst adolescents. This is where Mindfulness comes in; an act of being aware of the self, its sensory experiences, thoughts, and emotions, without any judgment. It is simply, a state of being in the present. This paper seeks to examine the effectiveness of Mindfulness-based therapeutic techniques in reducing social anxiety symptoms among adolescents. Mindfulness-based counseling techniques and related concepts are found to be instrumental in helping individuals attain emotional and cognitive self-regulation, and shift their attentional bias to incorporate experiences attained through all sensory modalities. Thereby reducing anxiety-related symptoms, depression, etc.
  • Yayın
    Öğretmene yönelik şiddet
    (Muhammed Yıldız, 2022) Bulut, Sefa; Gürkan, Emre; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Şiddet dediğimiz kavram, özellikle günümüzde kişisel, sosyal ve eğitsel alanlarda ciddi bir problem hâlini almış bulunmaktadır. Şiddetin kişilere ve kurumlara zarar verdiği açık bir olgudur. Bu noktadan bakıldığından, özellikle eğitim camiasına etkileri ve yankıları hatırı sayılır derecede büyük olmaktadır. Şiddet, yazılı, sözlü ve görsel basında özellikle adından sıkça söz ettirerek, ülke çapında üzücü olaylara sebep olan karanlık bir olgudur. Bu olguyu değerlendirirken eğitim alanına özellikle vurgu yapmakta fayda bulunmaktadır. Nitekim eğitim sistemi içerisinde ve özellikle okullarda şiddet olayları sıklıkla yaşanmakta ve hem bireylerin hem de kurumların işleyişinde ciddi aksaklıklara sebep olabilmektedir. Okullarda yaşanan şiddet olayları denildiğinde genellikle idareci ya da eğitimci tarafında öğrenciye yönelik ya da öğrencilerin arasında cereyan eden şiddet anlaşılmakta ve tek taraflı bir değerlendirme göze çarpmaktadır. Alanyazında da öğrenciye yönelik şiddet konusunda yapılan çalışmalar yoğunluk kazanırken, idarecilere ve öğretmenlere yönelik gerçekleştirilen şiddet eylemleri kendine hak ettiğinden daha az yer bulmaktadır. Eğitim sisteminin taşıyıcısı olan öğretmenler, gerek öğrenciler, gerek veliler ve gerekse meslektaşları tarafından şiddete maruz kalabilmektedir. Maruz kaldıkları bu şiddetin, hem bireysel hem de toplumsal bazda iş ve meslek hayatlarına hem de kişisel yaşantılarına bir takım etkileri olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmanın amacı, öğretmenlere yönelik gerçekleştirilen şiddet davranışları, şiddete sebep olabilen risk faktörleri, şiddetin öğretmenler üzerindeki etkileri ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalardan elde edilen nitel ve nicel verilerden hareketle öğretmene şiddeti tüm yönleriyle tartışmak ve bu tartışmalar ışığında şiddete çözüm önerileri sunmaktır.
  • Yayın
    Çocuk cinsel istismarı nedir?
    (2018) Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Cinsel istismar yaşayanlarda derin izler bırakan, yaşantılarını çok köklü ve geri dönülmez bir şekilde değiştiren çok travmatik bir deneyimdir.Ne yazık ki, sanıldığından çok fazla yaygın olan sosyal bir sorundur. Mağdurların büyük bir çoğunluğu bunu hiç konuşmamakta ve kimseyle paylaşmamaktadır. Yetişkin yaşamında çok zorluk yaşayan ve ruh sağlığı hizmetlerine başvuran bireylerin pek çoğunda cinsel istismar ve taciz hikayesine rastlamak mümkündür. Cinsel istismar, yetişkinlere bağımlı olan, gelişimsel olarak olgunlaşmamış çocuk ve ergenlerin tam olarak kavrayamadıkları cinsel aktivitelere zorlanması olarak tanımlanır. Çocuğun bir erişkin ya da yaşça daha büyük kimse tarafından cinsel doyum elde etmek amacıyla kullanılmasıdır.
  • Yayın
    Üniversitelerde kariyer gelişimi nasıl olmalı?
    (Anadolu Aslanları İşadamları Derneği (ASKON), 2019) Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Bireyin seçtiği meslek ömür boyu yapması gereken işleri kapsamaktadır. Mesleğimiz bir anlamda kişiliğimizi de tanımlayan bir unsurdur. Bu nedenle bize hitap eden, kendimizi bulduğumuz bir mesleği seçmemiz önemlidir. Lise öğrencileri büyük fedakârlıklar yaparak üniversite sınavlarına hazırlanmakta ve üniversitelere girmektedir. Fakat bütün öğrenciler yine de kariyer danışmanlığına ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Meslek kısaca yapılan iştir. Kariyer ise mesleğin yaşam boyu geliştirilmesi ve devam ettirilmesidir. Her üniversite öğrencilerine farklı şekillerde kariyer gelişim fırsatları sunmaktadır. Üniversiteler bünyesinde bağımsız hareket eden kariyer gelişim ve danışma merkezleri vardır. Bu tür merkezler aslında üniversitelerin iş ve sanayi dünyasına açılan kapılarıdır, iş yaşamının gerekliliklerini takip ederek, iş piyasasının ihtiyaç duyduğu kaliteli ve nitelikli bireyleri yetiştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu nedenle de bu merkezler öğrencilerine kendilerini geliştirmeleri için farklı fırsatlar sunmaktadır.
  • Yayın
    Generation Z and its perception of work through habits, motivations, expectations preferences, and work ethics
    (Crimson Publishers, 2021) Bulut, Sefa; Maraba, Dilara; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Generation Z is the youngest and popular generational cohort who started to be investigated with interest in researches since its impacts are distinctly seen in various fields, and it is entering on labour market now. Generation Z has been growing in an era where technological advancement is fostered, and they are able to have access to effortless and rapid information through technological tools, like the Internet and smartphones. Like other generational cohorts, Generation Z has unique habits and personality traits since they experienced different social, economic or historical circumstances depending on the time interval in which they raised, and the perception of work and occupational habits are affected by those particular characteristics. This study aims to explore dimensions that are related to work, such as work habits, motivations, expectations preferences and work ethics of Generation Z in order to build qualified and effective current and future workforce and satisfied individuals in career path. Generation Z is tech-savvy who is shaped by the peak in technology, and it is individualistic, entrepreneurial, money-conscious, and a multitasker. They like working collaboratively with personal autonomy in a flexible workplace that allows work-life balance and ethical working, and they need monitoring and feedback at work by their executives.
  • Yayın
    Development and evaluation of a group-based healthy and respectful relationship program for male perpetrators of domestic violence in Türkiye
    (Routledge, 2024) Turhan, Zeynep; Genç, Emel; Bulut, Sefa; Demir, Mehmet Can; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Domestic violence perpetrator programs should develop a multifaceted approach and implement rigorous evaluations. This study examined the effectiveness of a 10-week healthy relationships program for male perpetrators in Türkiye with recent family restraining orders. The program integrated motivational strategies, cognitive-behavioral therapy, feminist therapy, positive psychology, and the stages of change model. The study utilized a qualitative research design, including semi-structured interviews. A total of 18 men were allocated to three intervention groups (N = 18; Group 1: 6, Group 2: 5, Group 3: 7). Thematic analysis revealed that, despite initial concerns, the men gradually developed trust and acquired new skills through the eclectic approach. However, challenges related to sustaining long-term behavioral change were identified. The results imply that perpetrators have the potential to enhance their communication and anger management abilities, although they may encounter difficulties in fully acknowledging their role in perpetrating violence.
  • Yayın
    Bullying, maltreatment and uncivil faculty member behaviors at universities
    (Universidad Simon Bolivar, 2023) Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa; Crescenzo, Pietro; Bukhori, Baidi; Elwakeel, Sayed Ahmed; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Objective: Bullying and uncivil behaviors frequently happen in higher education lecture halls. This study aimed at exploring college students bullying incidents and mistreatments by faculty members, witnesses, and the type of bullying, where bullying and exploitations mostly happen. Method: A total 2646 (1493 female & 1185 male) students from a mid-size state university studying at every accessible department voluntarily participated to fill out a survey. A survey instrument and a social demographic information form is used to collect data. A chi-square test and several descriptive statistics were run to analyze the data. Results: Results revealed that 10 % of student were threatened being graded lower or being failed, 21 % stated that they did not believe in fair investigation even when they could complain to the relevant authorities in the university. Among them, 31 % of the students witnessed a faculty member threatening students’ in an uncivil manner. Male faculty members were 4 times more likely to bully student or act uncivil behaviors than female faculty members. Assistant professor or younger faculty members tend to behave more negatively than higher ranking or older professors. Conclusions: Most of the incidents happen during the class. Results show that bullying is a universal phenomenon and it appears in every level and field of education. Even though there are cultural and departmental differences, and department-specific misbehaviors, it is still common in every level of education in every culture.
  • Yayın
    The role of job stress and job satisfaction on the quality of teacher performance
    (Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, 2023) Hasna, Haya Sopia; Muallifah, Muallifah; Bulut, Sefa; Bulut, Sefa
    Teacher performance is the outcome of work reflected in the planning, implementation, and assessment of the teaching and learning process, with its intensity based on work ethics and professional discipline in teaching and learning. This study aims to determine the influence of job stress and job satisfaction on teacher performance. Quantitative methods were employed in this research. The sample consisted of 50 teachers who taught at MTs Dakwah Islamiyah Putri Nurul Hakim in Kediri, West Lombok Regency. The nonprobability sampling technique, specifically total sampling, was used for sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires encompassing the three variables, and multiple regression analysis was employed for data analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant influence of job stress on performance. However, the effect of job satisfaction on teacher performance demonstrates a significant influence.
  • Yayın
    Perception of identity and religious conversion
    (Corpus Publishers, 2022) Bulut, Sefa; Garcia, Daniela Urueña; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Bölümü
    Counseling psychology is a practice that focuses on how people generally function both personally and in their relationships. It also addresses the emotional, social, work, and physical health concerns people might have. For that reason, counseling psychologists help people with physical, emotional and mental health issues helping to improve their sense of well?being, relieve feelings of distress and resolve crises. This paper will focus on environment or situational influence of religious conversion into the self-identity of the convert and what kind of skills are needed for the counselor to guide this kind of clients when facing any kind of challenge. The meaning of conversion will be explained, then a relation with selfidentity will be described later on how counselors could approach this kind of people will be recommended.