Kamali, Jaber

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Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Diller Okulunun sunduğu İngilizce Hazırlık Programının genel amacı, iletişimsel yaklaşımı kullanarak öğrencileri akademik çalışmalara hazırlamak ve onları etkin, istekli ve kendi kendilerine öğrenebilir bireyler olmaya teşvik etmektir. İngilizce Hazırlık sistemi kurulurken öğrencilerimizin profilleri ve üniversitemizin akademik gereksinimleri göz önüne alınarak Modüler Sistem uygulanması uygun görülmüştür. Uygulamaya konulan Modüler Sistem, seviye gruplarına göre öğrencilerin devam edecekleri modüller sonunda hedeflenen dil becerilerine ulaşmalarını sağlar ve dil eğitim verimliliğin artmasına yardımcı olur.

Adı Soyadı

Jaber Kamali

İlgi Alanları

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Listeleniyor 1 - 2 / 2
  • Yayın
    Transnational language teachers emotional vulnerability and professional identity construction: An ecological perspective
    (Routledge, 2023) Kamali, Jaber; Nazari, Mostafa; Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    Despite the recent growth of attention to language teachers’emotionalvulnerability, little research has explored emotional vulnerability andidentity construction among transnational teachers. Drawing on anecological theoretical lens, we explored the emotional vulnerability andprofessional identity construction of transnational language teachersworking in the context of Turkey. Data were collected from open-endedquestionnaires, narrative frames, and semi-structured interviews. Dataanalysis revealed that across the three classroom (micro), institutional(meso), and sociocultural (macro) ecologies, the transnational teachersexperienced contextually-invoked emotional conflicts that positionedtheir identities in a vulnerable state. Most notably, we found thattransnational teachers need to become contextually adaptable to thethree ecologies in order to develop professional coping strategies thatsafeguard them against the chronicle stressors of their profession andcontext. We situate such adaptability within implications calling forholding preparatory courses that facilitate transnational teachers’transition to the new setting with the hope of positively contributing totheir effective professional identity construction.
  • Yayın
    A cross-cultural investigation of effective language pedagogy in teachers’ personal practical knowledge narratives: A cultural-ecological perspective
    (Routledge, 2024) Kamali, Jaber; Rektörlük, Yabancı Diller Okulu
    The current case study probes two international language teachers’ perspectives on the role culture plays in their perception of an effective language pedagogy through their personal practical knowledge narratives from a cultural ecological standpoint. To do this, two language teachers from two different cultural backgrounds (Iran and Japan) were asked to write a narrative about an effective class they had taught and how culture had influenced it. These narratives were read carefully and became the basis of three 60-minute semi-structured narrative interviews. Both narratives and interview data were analysed using a thematic analysis based in a cultural ecological perspective. The study contributes to the literature on culturally informed education by recognising culture as a distinctive factor affecting learning in different layers of the cultural ecology and can inform a culture-specific, nativized teacher education programme.