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Yayın Evaluation of maintenance strategies using Pythagorean fuzzy sets: A novel model for time-constrained processes(Taylor & Francis, 2025) Sancar, Semih; Kuşakcı, Ali Osman; Ayvaz, Berk; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüConsidering the large investment cost as well as expectations such as increased awareness ofoccupational safety and quality, choosing the appropriate maintenance strategy emerges as acritical decision. Time-constrained production processes, which demand defect-free produc-tion within a limited timeframe, intensify the significance of this selection problem. In suchproduction processes, the product is generally short-lived, so stocking is not possible.Therefore, halting operations incurs significant costs. In this study, we aim to choose themost appropriate maintenance planning strategy for time-constrained processes. Given thatthe process of selecting a maintenance strategy is ambiguous and lacks conclusive assess-ments, it involves numerous hazy criteria. Thus, this study presents a framework that includesthe Pythagorean Fuzzy AHP-CRITIC-Entropy combined weighting method hybridized withPythagorean Fuzzy WASPAS. The model evaluates the maintenance options of Türkiye’s largestprinting company, which operates under time-constrained processes, in a real-world case studyproving the merit of the proposed methodology.Yayın Medeniyet ve cemiyet harmanı: İslâm şehirleri (7-19. yüzyıl)(Yasemin Özcan, 2021) Özkan, Merve NurŞehirlerin, yeni medeniyetlere kapı açmasıyla öznel; medeniyet ve cemiyetler tarafından şekillenmesi ile nesnel olmak üzere iki yönü olmuştur. Şehirler medeniyetleri, medeniyetler de şehirleri etkilemiştir. Medeniyet ve cemiyetin harmanlandığı şehirlerden olan İslâm şehirleri, doğasında olan farklı kültürlerle etkileşerek zengin bir çeşitliliğe sahip olmasına karşın, İslâm Medeniyetinin özünü kaybetmemesi ile ortak unsurlara sahip olmuştur. Bu sebeple cemiyet, İslâm Medeniyeti ve İslâm şehirleri üçlüsünün birbirinden ayrı değil, bütüncül bir bakış açısı ile değerlendirilmesi önemli bir konu olmuştur. Yapılan bu çalışmada, bir disiplin olarak şehirlerin incelendiği literatür, şehirlerin rolleri, şehirlerin kendi kimliği ile okunmasının önemi, İslâmî öz ve değerler ışığında 7-19. yüzyıl aralığındaki İslâm Medeniyeti ve cemiyet harmanı İslâm şehirleri ele alınmıştır.Yayın The evolution of foreign direct investment in Iran: Determinants and economic impact(Karabük Üniversitesi, 2024) Amiri, Misagh HajiThis paper examines the historical context and contemporary research on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Iran, a topic with limited prior research. The study aims to fill this gap by highlighting FDI critical significance for the country's economic development. The study provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of FDI in Iran, tracing key milestones and shifts in investment patterns over time, particularly in response to changing political, economic, and social landscapes. Additionally, it reviews existing literature on the determinants and effects of FDI in the Iranian economy, focusing on crucial factors such as political stability, regulatory frameworks, and market potential. The study reveals how fluctuations in FDI can be attributed to both internal dynamics, such as government policies and economic conditions, and external influences, including international relations and global market trends. By synthesizing previous research, this paper aims to illuminate the complexities surrounding FDI in Iran, offering insights into its impact on economic growth, job creation, and technological advancement. Furthermore, the findings underscore strategic policy implications for enhancing investment attractiveness, advocating for reforms that promote a more favorable investment climate. Ultimately, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of FDI's role in shaping Iran's economic trajectory and its implications for the broader Middle Eastern region.Yayın Youth violence and aggression interventions in Türkiye: A protocol for systematic review(Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2024) Uysal, Burcu; Muftareviç, Sümeyye; Kavla, Büşra; İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüUnderstanding and working violence and aggression in adolescents and young adults is critical for nurturing societal well-being and fostering developmental growth. This planned systematic review aims to reveal the accumulation of practical application examples to raise awareness in this field. It will systematically examine the interventions, educational tactics, and programs designed to decrease the prevalence of violence and aggression among adolescents and young adults in Turkey. This current study aims to clarify whether the current state of the research will be suitable for a systematic review. Despite the considerable impact of aggressive behavior on social relationships and cognitive development, research on this topic in Turkey is suggested to be limited. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, and a thorough search was conducted in databases including DergiPark, ERIC, Web of Science, and Scopus, employing terms such as ‘violence,’ ‘aggression,’ and ‘Turkish adolescent’. This approach has surfaced a significant yet underexplored corpus of relevant literature, suggesting a more substantial research foundation than previously acknowledged. Our initial query retrieved 4786 studies, of which 621 were redundant entries identified via Rayyan, spanning from 1995 to 2024. The planned review will seek to provide a compre- hensive analysis of these interventions, offering insights that could inform policymakers, educators, and practitioners. While limitations exist, as with any literature review, the preliminary findings anticipate guiding evidence-based approaches and participating in the international conversation on culturally attuned preventive strategies. The initial data presents a landscape that underscores the importance for researchers to conduct a thorough literature review, given the substantial body of work already existing in this field. Thoroughly examining the existing literature can be crucial for informing new research as well as designing interventions and prevention measures.Yayın In the shadow of Tīmūr: Revisitng the battle of Ankara with Muṣlıḥ Al-Dīn Al-Lārī(Ahmet Şimşek, 2024) Saeedi, NilabThe Battle of Ankara in 1402 between Tīmūr and Sulṭān Yıldırım Bāyezīd I occupy an important place in the history of the Ottoman Empire and marks the beginning of the Ottoman Interregnum or Fetret Devri. The decentralization and subsequent collapse of the centralized Ottoman state is largely attributed to this battle. This paper examines the narrative of the Battle of Ankara by the sixteenth-century scholar Muṣliḥ al-Dīn al-Lārī, a Safavid immigrant who settled in the Ottoman Empire. A unique perspective on the battle is provided by Lārī's universal history, Mir'atü'l-advār ve Mirkātü'l-Ahbār, which he presented to the Ottoman Sulṭān Selīm II on his enthronement. This paper argues that despite the work being dedicated to an Ottoman sultan, Lārī's account legitimizes Tīmūr and his campaign against the Ottomans by presenting Tīmūr's actions in a favorable light.Yayın [Book Review]: "İslam Düşüncesinde Psikoloji ve Psikoterapi Sağlam Temeller ve Yeni Ufuklar"(Din Felsefesi Derneği, 2024) Güneş, Emine Beyza“İslam bizim kim olduğumuzu, psikoloji nasıl olduğumuzu, psikoterapi ise olmak istediğimiz kişiye nasıl varacağımızı gösterir”. İslam psikoloji ve psikoterapinin birlikte harmanlanması insanı tanımakta ve ona yol göstermede oldukça önemlidir. İslam düşüncesindeki psikoloji ve psikoterapi çalışmalarının tarihsel bir boyutta kalmayıp günümüze entegre edilebileceğini ve yeni yaklaşımlara kaynaklık edebileceğini savunan bir anlayış olarak gelişen İslami psikoloji, bu eserin temel çalışma konusudur. Kitapta İslam ve psikoloji başlığı teorik ve kavramsal zeminde ele alınırken İslam ve psikoterapi başlığı pratik zeminde incelenmiş ve çeşitli klinik tedavi yöntemleri sunulmuştur. İslami psikolojinin imkanı, gerekliliği ve nasıllığı üzerinde durularak farklı tartışma konularıyla değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Değerlendirmeler sırasında kesin bir yargıya varılmamakla beraber bu çalışmada “tüm yazarlarının üzerinde anlaştığı bir çözüm reçetesi sunulmayıp aksine verilen cevaplar yeniden tartışmaya açılacaktır(S.21)” Bu ifadeden çalışmanın genel üslubunun eleştirel bir biçimde yansıtıldığı da anlaşılmaktadır.Yayın [Book Review]: "Ekranın Ardında Davranışsal Bağımlılıkları Anlamak ve Çalışmak: Cinsellik, Kumar ve Oyun Bağımlılığı"(İslam Medeniyeti Vakfı, 2024) Sarıkaya, Murat BatuhanBu kitap, davranışsal bağımlılıkları kapsamlı bir şekilde ele alarak, akademik literatürdeki önemli bir boşluğu dolduruyor. Özellikle cinsel bağımlılık gibi toplumda tabu olan konuları açıkça incelemesi, farkındalık yaratma açısından oldukça değerlidir.Yayın A technology-enhanced student self-efficacy development program(Başakşehir İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, 2024) Bulut, Mehmet Akın; Maraba, Dilara; Kaya, Nurevşah; Gazel, Zeyneb; Katırcı, Ebrar Kevser; Altunel, Elif Tuğba; Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık BölümüEducational paradigms have rapidly changed depending on novel facilities and needs relevant to technology-enhanced learning environments. In this regard, Self-regulated learning skills (SRL) are one of the significant skills that are argued to be gained in 21st-century for higher education students. This study explores Self-Regulated Learning skills and self-efficacy within the context of educational workshops, which are designed and developed following the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model, conducted at the Center for Innovative Learning and Teaching, Artificial Intelligence (CILT-AI) at a foundation university. Furthermore, it was grounded in Bandura’s social-cognitive theory, which emphasizes the primary role of self-efficacy in academic achievement, the study seeks to distinguish the design elements and practical strategies essential for developing self-efficacy among students. In this study, a design-based research methodology is followed, and it integrates insights from literature review, expert opinions, and student feedback to design and implement effective training programs. The workshops target not only to develop participants’ academic achievement by leading developed SRL and self-efficacy skills but also to contribute to the broader discourse in educational research. By bridging theory and practice, the study provides actionable insights for educators and researchers to foster self-efficacy involved in self-regulated learning in today’s dynamic technology-enhanced educational realm.Yayın [Book Review]: "Exploring Christian Identity from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Neither Greek nor Roman"(Politik Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2024) Kalfa, BetülHristiyan kimliği, sosyal, psikolojik ve tarihi yönleriyle uluslararası literatürde geniş kapsamlı tartışmalara konu olmuş, dinler tarihi açısından önemli bir araştırma alanıdır. Sosyal ve psikolojik yönleri bir yana, sadece tarihi veçhesiyle bile üzerinde hâlâ araştırmalar yapılan önemli bir meseledir. Hristiyanlık, İslam’la çok yakın coğrafyalarda gelişmiş, etkileşime girmiş, kültürel ve akademik etkileşimlerde bulunmuş bir din ve kültürdür. Ancak Türkiye alan yazınında Hristiyanlığın farklı boyutlarını ele alan akademik çalışmalar, diğer alanlara kıyasla oldukça yenidir. Hristiyan kimliği de bu farklı yönlerden biridir ve alan yazınında bu konuda yapılmış çalışmalar yeterli derecede değildir. Chris Baghos’un değerlendirilmesi yapılacak olan Exploring Christian Identity: from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Neither Greek nor Roman (Geç Antik Çağdan Orta Çağa Hristiyan Kimliğinin Keşfi: Ne Grek, ne Roman) adlı eserinin, bu konuda yapılmış en güncel çalışmalardan olduğu söylenebilir. Yazar bu çalışmasında, alana dair uzmanların çalışmalarından yararlanarak Hristiyan kimliği sorununu, Roma ve Helen kültürü arasına sıkışmışlığı ve bu iki kültüre köprü olmuş Bizans İmparatorluğu’nda yaşamış Azizlerin metinleri perspektifinden, kendine özgü tarzıyla ele alarak literatüre katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu tarz çalışmaların tanıtılması ile Hristiyan kimliği konusunda Türkiye’de de özgün ve çeviri çalışmaların yapılmasını teşvik edecek olması düşüncesi bu kitap incelemesini yapmamızda itici bir güç olmuştur. Bu nedenle çalışmanın, alan yazınına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.Yayın Türkiye ve Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti’nde hukuk uyuşmazlıklarında arabuluculuk kurumunun Avrupa Birliği politikaları bağlamında karşılaştırılma(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2024) Çeçi, MerveHukuki uyuşmazlıkların çözümünde yargı dışında başvurulan çözüm yöntemleri genel olarak alternatif uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemleri olarak anılmakta olup, çalışma konumuzu teşkil eden arabuluculuk da bu yöntemlerden biridir. Çalışmamızda Türkiye ve Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti’nde (KMC) Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk Kurumunun Avrupa Birliği (AB) politikaları bağlamında karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye ile coğrafi ve kültürel olarak yakınlık arz eden ve son zamanlarda AB politikalarını takip ederek arabuluculuk uygulamasını hayata geçiren KMC daha önce karşılaştırmalı bir çalışmaya konu edilmemiştir. Bu ülkelerin ikisi de arabuluculuğa ilişkin hukuki düzenlemelerinde Avrupa Birliği’nden etkilenmekle birlikte, mevzuatları arasında bazı farklar söz konusudur. Avrupa Birliği ile uyum sürecinde ve Birlik mevzuatı dikkate alarak hazırlanmış arabuluculuk mevzuatına sahip bu iki ülkenin hukuk uyuşmazlıklarında mevzuatı ve uygulamaları çalışmamızda karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenecek; iki ülke arasında benzerlikler ve farklılıklar ile uygulamadaki olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri ortaya konulacaktır.Yayın Türkiye’de rüzgar enerjisinden elektrik üretimi ve uygulanacak yasal prosedür(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2024) Kahraman, Emine BeyzaEnerjiye olan ihtiyaç hayatın her aşamasında karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu durum da enerjinin işlenerek hayatımıza entegre edilmesini gerektirmektedir. Elektrik enerjisi de bilhassa günlük yaşamımızı kolaylaştırmakta oldukça hayati bir yere sahiptir. İşte bu gerekçelerle elektriğin hangi kaynaklardan üretileceği ve üretileceği kaynağın avantaj ve dezavantaj dengesinin kurulması önem arz etmektedir. Güncel bir trend olarak -küresel ısınmanın da etkisiyle- yenilenebilir ve temiz enerji kaynaklarına eğilim artmış bulunmaktadır. Bu eğilim karşısında devlet politikasındaki enerji düzenlemeleri de gözden geçirilmiş ve Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynak Alanlarının (YEKA) oluşturulduğu YEKA Modeli sisteme dahil edilmiştir. Rüzgâr da YEKA kapsamına giren bir enerji kaynağı olup çevre dostu ve temiz bir içeriğe sahiptir. Bu gerekçelerle de elektrik üretiminde gittikçe daha sık kullanılmaya başlayan bir kaynak olarak öne çıkmaktadır...Yayın The role of constitution of Pakistan in promoting international peace and strengthening bonds with the Muslim world(İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, 2024) Bibi, SanaThe Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the ultimate promotor of international peace and always supports missions and theories of strengthening the relationships between the Muslim world. There are multiple tools for providing solidarity among the Muslim world in Pakistani legislation. One of the policy principles mentioned in Article 40 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 is evidence of it. Secondly, the founder of Pakistan, “Muhammad Ali Jinnah,” also mentioned Pakistan’s strategy towards the other states at the beginning of the state’s foundation. This constitutional directive shows Pakistan’s dedication to a foreign policy anchored in diplomacy, peaceful conflict resolution, and cooperative relations with the Muslim world. Pakistan has a unique geopolitical position in the region. It has the status of the only Muslim country, which holds the nuclear power to build up peace internationally as well as regionally. Pakistan’s participation in the peacekeeping missions of the United Nations highlights its efforts for global peace and security. Pakistan has also hosted and facilitated peace talks in different regional conflicts. This paper explores Pakistan's historical and contemporary initiatives to maintain international peace and harmony and strengthen the bonds among Muslim states.Yayın Are the crypto markets shock resilient to COVID-19? A comparative investigation of trading prices and volumes(Econometric Research Association, 2024) Khan, Asad ul Islam; Bwando, William; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İktisat BölümüThe emergence of crypto currency as an alternative source of currency has been dubbed as one of the greatest phenomenon of the 21st century. Over the years, crypto currencies have grossly interrupted the traditional financial system and they continue to act as a catalyst for its revolution. However, cryptocurrencies have not been free from misery and controversies. The aim of this study is to explore and investigate empirically the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on price and volume dynamics in crypto markets. The study makes use of two data samples, but these samples are analyzed separately and independently. The first sample consists of Top Five Cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization (Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Binance coin and Litecoin) as at 7 November 2020. The second one is made up of the Bottom Five Cryptocurrencies among the top 40 cryptocurrencies (FTX Token, Huobi Token, Filecoin, Dash and Decreed) as at 7 November 2020 again. The data among the Top Five Cryptocurrencies ranges from 2014 to 2021 and the data among the Bottom Five Cryptocurrencies ranges from 2018 to 2021.. The empirical results reveal that all crypto-currencies are integrated at order 1 i.e. I (1). The empirical analysis confirms presence of strong evidence for intra-and-inter long run relationship between price and volume dynamics within the crypto market irrespective of whether it is pre-pandemic or pandemic period. More so, there is convincing evidence from the results that much of the variance among the prices and volumes of the top five cryptocurrencies is attributed to the Bitcoin price-volume dynamics. This implies that it is critical for crypto market traders, investors and portfolio managers, before making any investment decision must consider the dynamics of price and trading volumes of BITCOIN as they hugely impact the prices and volumes of other altcoins.Yayın DDSA’larda (Devlet Dışı Silahlı Aktörler) özerklik ve çatışmalarda üstlenilen role etkisi: Hizbullah ve Fatımi Tugayı örnekleri(Ahmet Yeşil, 2024) Özdemir, Ömer Behram; Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Ana Bilim DalıDevlet dışı silahlı aktörler (DDSA) Ortadoğu’daki çoğu çatışma bölgesinde diğer DDSA’lara veyahut devletlere karşı savaşta rol almaktadırlar. Bölgedeki pek çok çatışmaya müttefiki DDSA’lar üzerinden dahil olarak bölgedeki nüfuzunu arttıran İran ise DDSA’lar ve sponsor devletler üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda ön plana çıkan bir vaka konumundadır. Irak, Lübnan, Yemen ve Suriye’de İran destekli DDSA’lar çatışmaların ve bölge politikalarının önemli aktörleri haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada odaklanılacak Suriye iç savaşında ise İran bölgeye yönlendirdiği onlarca DDSA üzerinden savaş sahasına müdahil olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Suriye’deki İran destekli milisler içerisinden Hizbullah ve Fatımi Tugayı’nın İran ile ilişkileri özerklik ve savaşta üstlenilen rol bağlamında ele alınacaktır. DDSA’lar ve DDSA’ların özerkliğine dair literatür ışığında her iki örgütün tarihi arka planına, Suriye iç savaşındaki rollerine ve özerklik kapasitelerine odaklanılacaktır. Vakaların özerklik kapasiteleri insani, mali ve askeri kaynakları üzerinden analiz edilecektir. Örgütlerin İran ile ilişkilerde sahip oldukları özerkliğin Suriye iç savaşında üstlendikleri roller üzerindeki etkisi çalışmanın bir diğer çıktısı olacaktır.Yayın Interest free banking in Ethiopia: Prospects and challenges(Politik Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2020) Hailu, Suadiq Mehammed; Bushera, İbrahimEthiopia has a substantial number of Muslims estimated more than 38 million. Ethiopia accommodated Islamic finance in its financial system through interest-free banking window in 2011 and Full-fledged interest-free banking by the end of 2019. This study aims to investigate the prospects and challenges of the newly adopted full-fledged interest-free banking system. For these purposes, several secondary data collected and analyzed descriptively. The result indicates that Islamic finance has a notable opportunity in Ethiopia. Unbanked huge customers, lofty demand, the profitability of IFB windows and the ability of under formation full-fledged interest-free banks to collect the minimum paid-up capital easily indicate the prospects. While negative perception toward Islamic finance, legal framework challenges like the exclusiveness of banking business activity, limitation on investment of banks, tax system and unavailability of controlling mechanism last but not least lack of experts and skilled resource are identified as the main impediments of the sector. Therefore, it is recommended to the government of Ethiopia to make accommodative adjustments on the legal frameworks to resolve the shortcomings and for educational institutions to provide programs, seminars, and training in the area of Islamic finance in order to produce experts that serve the sector.Yayın Immigrant entrepreneurship in Turkey: History, development and current market(Suat Teker, 2022) Moiz, Muhammad; Turkec, CanberkPurpose – The aim of this study is to understand the entrepreneurial activities of immigrants in Turkey through a review of available literature and data. This article arises from the deficient immigrant entrepreneurship literature and aims to examine the history and the recent developments of immigrants and immigrant businesses in Turkey. This will provide the reader with a general overview and in-depth information about immigrant businesses in Turkey. A detailed industrial view can help to Methodology – Through an investigation of literature and secondary data, this study provides a survey on immigrant businesses. Literature review is a critical method to understand the history of migration movement and migrant entrepreneurship development in Turkey while secondary data is reasonable source to maintain qualified information about the current situation of migrant entrepreneurship. Findings – The number of foreigners residing in the Turkey has increased immensely since 2010. There is a seven-fold rise in the number of immigrants in Turkey from 2005 to 2022. This shows the rapid changes that Turkey is going under especially since the beginning of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in 2011. Turkey has quickly become a hub for foreign nationals which is influencing different facets of the country including the demographics, society, and economy. The number of firms established with foreign partners has followed a similar pattern, with a nearly fivefold increase from 2011 to 2021. Turkey is seeing an increasing interest within the immigrant communities from Asia, Africa, and MENA countries. Conclusion – Immigrants face many difficulties in establishing and sustaining a business. These difficulties can be mitigated through government policies and support programs that focus on assisting both immigrant and local community in their business endeavors. Government can support immigrant entrepreneurs by providing language learning opportunities that focus on business Turkish and culture. This will not only help immigrants to learn the language but also assist them in adaptation of the local culture which may speed up their integration process.aYayın [Book Review]: "Women at Crossroads: Palestinian Women's Movements Between Nationalism, Secularism and Islamic Identity"(Kadın ve Demokrasi Derneği, 2024) Bajes, DalalThis book by Islah Jad explores the evolution of the Palestinian feminist movement, examining its intersection with nationalism, secularism, and Islamism. Jad highlights the complex dynamics Palestinian women face as they balance advocating for gender equality with participating in national resistance. The study traces the impact of colonialism, internal political struggles, and international influences on women’s organizations from the British mandate to the post-Oslo period. It also examines the roles of secular and Islamic feminists, reflecting on their divergent visions for women’s rights. The book traces the impact of the political split between the West Bank and Gaza in 2006, highlighting the differing feminist strategies in each region. While the West Bank focused on legal reforms and women’s rights, Gaza prioritized resistance and self-reliance. Despite these efforts, women on both sides reinforced the political divide rather than working to heal it. Jad critiques the emphasis on state-building and international frameworks, arguing that these approaches failed to foster democratic foundations or strengthen the national liberation struggle. Ultimately, Palestinian women’s political engagement remains fragmented, with limited collaboration across political divides.Yayın Laying the foundations: Scrutinizing Qur’anic exegesis in the first three hijri centuries(Kardan University, 2024) Balkhi, SakinaTafsir, the interpretation of the Qur’an, holds significant importance in Islamic studies. Its origins trace back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad, who provided interpretations of certain Qur’anic verses. The companions whom the Prophet trained also played a crucial role in the development of tafsir. Tabi’in, the successors of the companions, were the students of the students of the Prophet, so their efforts also contributed to tafsir. In the first three centuries of the hijri calendar, tafsir developed a lot, and its foundation was laid down. The paper examines the evolution of tafsir in the first three centuries. It begins by defining tafsir and its historical background. It then delves into the details of tafsir during the first, second and third centuries, highlighting the dominant schools of interpretation, the process of compiling tafsir, known as tadwin, and how it evolved from being part of the literature of hadith to becoming a separate field of study. It also addresses important issues such as the influence of Israeliyyat in tafsir and how tafsir developed into a distinct part of Islamic sciences. Overall, this paper sheds light on the significant role played in the first three centuries in the development and evolution of tafsir.Yayın A hybridized Pythagorean fuzzy AHP and WASPAS method for airline new route selection: Case study of Turkish Airline(Emerald Publishing, 2025) Koma, Şenay; Kuşakcı, Ali Osman; Haji Amiri, Misagh; Yönetim Bilimleri Fakültesi, İşletme BölümüPurpose – This study aims to provide a practical and novel solution for the complex multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem of airline route selection, which is characterized by conflicting criteria, alternative routes, and complex judgments. Design/methodology/approach – This study proposes a hybrid MCDM approach using Interval-valued Pythagorean Fuzzy AHP and Interval-valued Pythagorean Fuzzy weighted aggregated sum product assessment (WASPAS) methods. Decision analysis is applied to select a new route between different alternatives through selection criteria. Pythagorean Fuzzy AHP is used for weighting criteria, and Pythagorean Fuzzy WASPAS is used for assessing alternatives. The pair-wise linguistic comparisons of selection criteria are transferred into Pythagorean fuzzy numbers (PFNs) to weigh each criterion’s importance. Findings – The pair-wise linguistic comparisons of selection criteria are transferred into PFNs to weigh each criterion’s importance. The results of these comparisons show that the main criteria, cost (43% weight) and demand (33% weight), impact route selection decisions more than social/economic conditions (15% weight) and competitiveness (9% weight). Regarding the criteria, the five routes alternative were evaluated by the route development experts, and the best route was selected with Pythagorean Fuzzy WASPAS. Practical implications – The proposed model is used for a route selection problem of Turkish Airlines, the airline that flies to the most countries in the world. Originality/value – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to use the Interval-valued Pythagorean Fuzzy AHP combined with Interval-valued Pythagorean Fuzzy WASPAS to solve the route selection problem. This hybrid MCDM methodology presents a novel and feasible solution for selecting the new route for airlines.Yayın Dialogical health communication via Twitter (X) during COVID-19 in African countries: Ghana as a case study(MDPI, 2024) Aldamen, Yasmin; Abdallah, Amina; İletişim Fakültesi, Yeni Medya ve İletişim FakültesiSocial media platforms, such as Twitter (X), have a critical role in disseminating health information. The study aims to highlight the potential of Twitter (X) as an influential tool for health communication, in addition to providing findings related to public health communication strategies in Ghana. The study investigated the role of Twitter (X) as a platform for building interactive health communication between the health communication system and citizens in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020–2022. Additionally, it has the potential to contribute to building dialogical health communication. The study analyzed a sample of COVID-19-related tweets from the official Ghana Health Service Twitter (X) account @_GHS from 2020 to 2022. The results showed that Twitter (X) was a key tool for health communication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana, with both health institutions and the public sharing large amounts of health information. Furthermore, the study found evidence of dialogic communication, in which healthcare institutions and professionals are actively engaging with the public on Twitter (X). It concluded that public health communication on Twitter (X) has changed over time, as well as that the interactive health communication between the health communication system and citizens in Ghana was affected positively during the COVID-19 outbreak. It highlighted Twitter (X)’s potential as a tool for establishing a dialogue loop and building dialogic health communication. The results showed that before COVID-19, Ghana did not use Twitter (X) effectively to communicate with citizens about health matters. Twitter (X), with its wide reach and highly interactive nature through features such as retweets, has become a major platform for interactions facilitating dialogue between health institutions and health professionals and facilitating dialogue in public spaces surrounding health issues like COVID-19.